What is the context for Springboard?
This campaign mapping tool is useful for teams that are conceiving a multi-channel marketing campaign for the first time, or for documenting campaigns that already exist. Typically, a strategist or marketer will use Springboard following agreement on segmentation, as a tool for envisioning what messages go to what audiences at what time.
Is Springboard a journey mapping tool?
No, Springboard is a multi-channel marketing mapping tool, which is different than a journey mapping tool. Use Springboard to plan and visualize deployment of messages to your target audiences via multiple channels such as e-mail, text/SMS, direct mail and more. Journey mapping, conversely, is typically the process by which marketers map out customer or prospect milestones in their journey. For example, a typical journey in healthcare for a patient might be movement from symptomatic to diagnosis to treatment to remission.
What is a segment?
A segment is a defined portion of your audience or list. A segment could be a specific demographic, or a behavioral prole. In healthcare, for example, typical segments include patients vs. caregivers, or diagnosed vs. undiagnosed. Segmentation can also be specific to an action taken such as: attended the support group, visited the booth, or enrolled in the clinical trial.
What is a “trigger”?
What is a “random split”?
A random split is done when you want to conduct a random test whereby a portion of your list receives one variation of your message, and other portions receive different variations. This is often called A/B testing. With Springboard, you can design as many splits within one test as you’d like, and you determine what percentage of your audience to assign to each split.
What is “join” used for?
The join function allows you to reconnect two separate arms of your campaign, that you previously split. When you click on join, all arms that are available to connect with will be highlighted in blue, then you simply click on the arm you wish to connect with. Join is typically used after a trigger or random split pathway, to consolidate two different communication streams.
What is the Strategic Considerations worksheet used for?
How can I deploy my campaign after I map it out in Springboard?
If you’re interested in learning more about our deployment services, please e-mail the ARCHES team at: info@archestechnology.com. Our HIPAA-compliant platform, Keystone, can bring your maps to life.
Does the map I design automatically save?
Yes. Any changes you make within the Strategic Considerations worksheet are automatically saved as well.
Can I collaborate with other team members on my maps?
When I share a map with a colleague, what do they receive and how do they receive it?
Your recipients will receive an e-mail message containing a link to open a PDF of your work. You can opt to include only your Strategic Considerations, only your Map, or both in the PDF export sent to your colleague.
How much does Springboard cost?
Does Springboard work on tablet/mobile devices?
Yes, it is compatible with an iPad or tablet. There is limited functionality on smart phones as of now, but we’re working on expanding that for future releases.